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Servirle es nuestra prioridad. Por ello nos ponemos a su disposición en nuestras líneas de atención:

  • Ciudad de México: (55) 5140-5600
  • Monterrey: (81) 8156-9600
  • Guadalajara: (33) 3669-9000
  • Resto del País: 01-800-BANORTE (226-6783)
Línea Directa:
  • Ciudad de México: (55) 5140-5640
  • Monterrey: (81) 8156-9640
  • Guadalajara: (33) 3669-9040
  • Resto del País: 01-800-DIRECTA (347-3282)



Letter from the CEO

It gives me great satisfaction to write this letter and especially to state that at Grupo Financiero Banorte, we have a very clear our priority: our people. We maintain a permanent dialogue with shareholders, stakeholders and Mexican society in general in order to generate alliances that allow us to build a stronger Mexico together.

We understand the key role played by the financial sector as a tool to facilitate sustainable development of the country, as well as the population’s well-being.

In the same way we understand that in order to increase value for our shareholders, we must first look out for our customers, employees and the environment, because to the extent that we are able to provide a better quality of service and life with the least ecological impact, we will be maximizing the profitability of our investments.

For several years now we have been committed to adhering to initiatives like the United Nations Global Compact, the Declaration of Natural Capital, the Equator Principles and UNEP FI. Thanks to decisions like these and our daily practices, we were included in 2014 for the first time in the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index, being the first Mexican financial institution to be included.

Today we enjoy a position of leadership within the Mexican financial sector as the third largest bank in the country, we reaffirm our commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, and we will continue to work to provide responsible and ethical services, always based on the needs of society.

Marcos Ramirez Miguel
CEO Grupo Financiero Banorte